Monday, June 14, 2010

Learning to Study

It's an art-form to be able to tune the craziness of children out of my mind, and study. I'm not really a night-owl, so, I would prefer to study in the late morning time. Of course, that is about when my children start to bicker.

So, I'm working on the art of studying. It isn't as easy as it was to concentrate in the environment I used to work in Corporate America. I could pack up and move to someplace different. I can't do that at home. The distractions typically follow me!

It will get better. The information I'm studying right now - differentiated instruction - is fascinating. How can teachers better change their tactics to get different types of learners more opportunity to understand the content. I'll have to read it another couple of times between now and Saturday's quiz. I'm hoping I can get a couple hours in tomorrow morning.

Any suggestions towards tricks for making the time easier, I would appreciate. I'm still blessed that I get this opportunity. And I'm hoping other people can provide some options.

Friday, June 4, 2010

13 1/2 hours until class starts

It's amazing how fast everything came together. At the end of April, going through a Transition-to-Teaching Program was just a dream, and now, a mere 6 weeks later, it's reality. It makes me realize that God truly does lead us down the path of life.

I also realize how absolutely blessed I am to have a supportive family. This weekend has so much on the calendar, and adding the first day of school into it, just makes it crazy. My mom-in-law, Suzi, is going to take my daughter to her dance/tumbling dress rehearsal tomorrow morning because class starts at 9am. My husband will be taking my son, and my parents (in for the recital on Sunday) to his baseball game, and then both kids to a birthday party. Everyone is pitching in to help so I can follow my dream. If that isn't support I don't know what is.

Another part of preparation is all the tools that go along with starting school, and all the things needed for the dress rehearsal, dinner Saturday night, and the birthday party. I know if I ask for help, I'll receive it. But because everyone is supporting me, I want to support them with a great dinner. It seems like a fair trade.

So I sit with 13 1/2 hours until I start classes. Nerves are working to fly those butterflies in formation, and my dream is starting to become a reality.

I'm so blessed.